At the Spanish wines specialist in the Netherlands!

We always aim to offer a wide range of Spanish wines at the best prices. Spain is currently one of the most interesting wine countries.



Dear customers,

We can start with our delicious and cozy tastings!

Take a quick look at the available dates

in our calendar of activities!


Every month we have range expansion. Do not miss it!!

The first weekends of the month we open on Saturdays from 10:00 a.m. to 17:00 and on Sundays from 12:00 p.m. to 17:00 at Anna van Hannoverstraat 4 in Den Haag. We also open when a tasting is held. This can be followed on our activities page. Call 06-12350200 when you arrive to open the door for you! The coffee is waiting☕️

Upcoming opening dates for showroom/shop:

There is currently variation in opening hours due to an upcoming move.

saturday 4 november from 10.00 - 17.00 o'clock

sunday 5 november from 10.00 - 17.00 o'clock

See you soon


Obviously you can place orders through our website: www.wijnhandelalvarez.nl,

but of course also through email wijnhandelalvarez@gmail.com or by phone 06-12350200.


We wish everyone a lot of wisdom and health.

Take care of each other and yourself!


Maria Alvarez



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